A laptop and smartphone display the same chat application, NubiSoft TIM, with the laptop showing multiple conversation threads and the phone zoomed in on one. The clean interface features text bubbles in a minimalist design, suggesting a focus on easy communication.
  • React.js React.js
  • Java Java
  • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL

TIM, a messenger client specially developed for medical personnel, enables individual and group chats on both smartphones and computers. TIM transmits messages and files securely and confidentially in real-time. The aim of developing TIM was to meet all the requirements of the Gematik specification to enable product approval.

The TI-Messenger is based on the Matrix protocol, an open standard for secure and decentralized communication.

During development, we dealt with the following topics and used the following technologies:

  • Frontend development (React.js)
  • Backend development (Java, Synapse / Matrix)
  • Database (PostgreSQL)
  • High availability
  • Web and mobile client (PWA)
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Integration with the central systems of healthcare providers