This post is a St. Nicholas’ Day gift for one of my students who asked to explain the concept of map-reduce used to solve computationally complex problems. I will do this, on the example, using Python language, which is known for its brevity. At the same time, I will be happy to test a new […]
Nowadays, everybody talks about blockchain technologies but not many understand all the concepts behind it. Even less have any practical experience with these issues. Therefore here, we will try to put some light on it. When in June our request for preview access to the QLDB service was approved, we all rubbed our hands together […]
During systems maintenance, it is often required to conduct working on dev, test, preprod and prod systems. To avoid accidental mistakes leading to downtime it is worth to give a clear warning to operators logging on and working on prods environments. This post is short, for many of you probably obvious (hopefuly), others probably planned […]
In this post, we present how to deploy and configure NextCloud – the data-sharing platform – to store and secure files in an efficient way in terms of security and cost optimization. Nowadays, data-sharing among team members is a must. While in the case of source code there is practically one single way – Git […]