Is ZFS for Docker a good choice? And why Ubuntu gently pushes us towards ZFS?

Everyone is containerizing these days. Sometimes he does it better, sometimes worse … and sometimes he just claims he does it 😉 Here at NubiSoft we try to do our best. Not only because we want customers satisfied with their systems with low maintenance costs. We also do it for ourselves. It just gives us […]

Developers, be KIND to your containers! It’s easy with Kubernetes IN Docker stack ;)

Here, at NubiSoft, most of our CI/CD processes are configured in the cloud (after all, the name of our company obliges to something). But sometimes it is useful to deploy locally e.g. for development purposes. Having solutions built around the Kubernetes ecosystem makes it relatively problematic …at least until recently. So in this post, we […]

How to configure psql PostgreSQL client on a production environment to limit the downtime resulting from human mistakes

During systems maintenance, it is often required to conduct working on dev, test, preprod and prod systems. To avoid accidental mistakes leading to downtime it is worth to give a clear warning to operators logging on and working on prods environments. This post is short, for many of you probably obvious (hopefuly), others probably planned […]