During NubiSoft’s Skillup #2 I made an introduction to SolidJS and this post consists of all the major points I talked about. Why SolidJS? SolidJS is JSX based web framework designed to provide performant reactivity for user interfaces. Before taking a deep dive into the features of this framework let’s look at its promises and […]
Due to pandemic, most companies became fully remote organizations. NubiSoft wasn’t an exception here. We moved from our desks to home offices and all our social interactions were happening in a virtual space. While this situation didn’t impact our ability to deliver high-quality software it caused knowledge sharing between teams to become a challenge. We […]
Data visualisation is crucial when it comes to the perception of quantitative information, and Plotly is one of the best open source software solutions for creating beautiful charts. Therefore, in this post we will provide a brief introduction to creating geographic map charts. When there is a need to visualize data related to geographical location, […]
Why bother? Life is too short to waste it on tedious tasks such as installing dependencies or waiting for the Webpack to finish bundling your whole app even though you’ve made a small label change. That’s when modern frontend technologies come in. I’ll be focusing on the migration of an typical old setup (~2019) with […]