Explore the versatility of Caddy, an open-source web server, and its Caddy Security plugin in our latest article. We walk through setup, discuss its limitations for complex apps, and offer solutions through backend integration. Using Apollo Server and TypeGraphQL, we demonstrate how Caddy can flexibly manage role-based access control, making it a valuable tool for enterprise applications.
Category: Software Development
In this blog post, you will learn some basics about GraphQL and how to start using it in an actual project with Java language and Spring Boot technology. What is GraphQL? GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. The main concept of GraphQL is […]
Git is by far the most popular Version Control System (VCS) used in web development. According to the latest StackOverflow survey over 90% of respondents use it on a regular basis. The question one would ask is how to use it effectively?This post will guide you through the most best practices, important git commands and […]
During NubiSoft’s Skillup #2 I made an introduction to SolidJS and this post consists of all the major points I talked about. Why SolidJS? SolidJS is JSX based web framework designed to provide performant reactivity for user interfaces. Before taking a deep dive into the features of this framework let’s look at its promises and […]