Using modern tooling for faster frontend development

Why bother? Life is too short to waste it on tedious tasks such as installing dependencies or waiting for the Webpack to finish bundling your whole app even though you’ve made a small label change. That’s when modern frontend technologies come in. I’ll be focusing on the migration of an typical old setup (~2019) with […]

How to deal with non-reproducible bugs in Java web applications?

Non-reproducible bugs is probably the most challenging category of software bugs. To solve such kind of a problem you need to be like a Sherlock Holmes and use all your knowledge and experience to put all pieces of the puzzle together. In this blog post, we’ll show you how we squashed real-life bug from that […]

Practical tips to pass Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam

Before 2020 ends I decided to clear the CKAD exam and I did it! In this blog post, I’ll share a few practical tips and tricks that for sure will help you achieve the same. CKAD is an online exam offered by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It’s purely performance-oriented, which means you must solve […]